April 2, 2009
Congratulations to recipients of 2009 CALS faculty and staff awards
Faculty and staff invited to take online survey on CALS organizational climate
Provost urges support for Madison Initiative for Undergraduates
UW-Madison strategic plan for 2009-2014 available online
NASULGC is now Assoc. of Public and Land Grant Universities
Sign up for news from Association of Women in Agriculture
Work with UW-Stevens Point aims to draw new talent to plant breeding
Butterflies join entomology’s centennial celebration at Science Expeditions (video)
Dave Hogg will lead Entomology Society of America
Dick Straub appointed director of animal operations and AAALAC compliance for CALS
In memoriam: Robert C. Newman
Bioscience, genetics, ecology revolutionizing ‘Ag Ed’ class
Sean Carroll named Outstanding Educator by Society for Developmental Biology
CALS in the News — March 23-27 and March 30-April 1
Minnesota-Wisconsin dairy conferences – April 8 and 9
Fourth Annual Wis. Stem Cell Symposium – April 15
Grad School seminars for April
Sharon Adams to speak on building sustainable neighborhoods — April 16
FACETS seminar looks at Australia’s dairy farms – April 21
Global Legal Studies Ctr. workshop on international ag and food – April 21
Wisconsin’s Energy Future: Nelson Institute Earth Day Conference – April 22
FRI spring meeting: Detecting and controlling foodborne pathogens – April 29-30
Brewing Education Summit- May 8
CALS hosts special events during Alumni Weekend, May 8-10
Food Import Safety Conference – May 26-27
Nominations of candidates for Provost due April 6
Nominations for Wis. Potato Board Distinguished Grad Fellowship reopened – due May 1
Nominate or apply for Secretary of the Academic Staff by April 17
Apply for UW Teaching Academy’s Summer Teaching Institute by April 17
2009 NACTA-SERD Education Conference – June 17–19
Babcock Institute has moved, but its cross-campus mission remains the same
Project aims to help smaller producers be competitive in horticultural markets
Submit comments on the IPM Competitive Grants Program by April 26
UW soil testing labs offer reduced rates to researchers
Important information about protocol/compliance on stimulus proposals
ARRA Requests for Information
Project Statuses in SFS
For those PI’s applying for an NIH Administrative Supplement
Adobe Reader 8.1.4 is compatible with Grants.gov
NIH has released two new Recovery Act funding announcements
How to handle NIH ARRA Supplements and No-cost Extensions
Global plant breeding partnership issues call for proposals – due April 30
Funding opportunities: non-federal and federal
CALS communicators will talk video on April 28
Land grant and extension communicators to meet in Des Moines June 6-9
New I-9 form and requirements effective Friday, April 3
Receipt and sales credits are now posted directly to SFS
Reps from two tax-sheltered annuity vendors will be on campus in April
Walk-in tax help for nonresident aliens at Villager Mall — April 3 and April 10
New federal tax table available online
Next Netid deactivation is April 7