FRI spring meeting: Detecting and controlling foodborne pathogens – April 29-30
Food safety experts from government, industry and academia will gather in Madison, Wisconsin on April 29 and 30 for the annual Food Research Institute Spring Meeting at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. The focus of this year’s meeting will be on detecting and controlling foodborne pathogens.
All interested parties are invited to attend, including people involved in food safety, product development, food microbiology, food quality assurance, as well as individuals involved in public health, including processors, retailers, consultants, educators, students and government professionals.
The formal program will include presentations on the use of epidemiology to identify causes of food-related disease and to develop appropriate responses, and on research conducted at the UW-Madison Food Research Institute and elsewhere on the control and detection of microbial foodborne pathogens. Developments in the use of bioactive compounds in foods to mitigate human disease will also be presented.
Dr. Robert Brackett, Senior Vice President and Chief Scientific and Regulatory Affairs Officer of the Grocery Manufacturers Association, will present the William C. Frazier Memorial Award lecture and will be recognized for his contributions to food microbiology. Wednesday evening will also feature a poster session, tours of the new Microbial Sciences building, reception, and opportunities to network with colleagues.
For more information or to register, visit: