
Faculty and staff invited to take online survey on CALS organizational climate

On April 1, all permanent CALS classified staff, academic staff and faculty received an email notifying them of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences’ Equity and Diversity Committee Climate Survey. If you are a member of this group, your participation in this survey would be greatly appreciated. This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through the Institutional Review Board at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and all information provided will be anonymous and grouped with responses from other participants for analysis. Your responses will be invaluable in the Committee’s efforts to improve organizational climate in CALS.

If, after receiving the email, you have any questions about this study, or would like additional information to assist you in reaching a decision about participation, please feel free to contact Hernando Rojas at (608) 262-7791, or via email at Thank you in advance for your interest in this project.