July 9, 2009
- Provost offers update on furlough program
- Come to Ag Hall for ice cream on July 28
- Requests for faculty dev. grants, research service grants and sabbaticals due in Sept.
- Food and trade experts come to campus to talk about the safety of imported food
- Cameron Currie receives Presidential Early Career Award
- Jo Handelsman named Wisconsin Academy Fellow
- In memoriam: Arthur Kelman
- In memoriam: Elwood Brickbauer
- Brad Pfaff and Stan Gruszynski appointed to key state USDA posts
- CALS in the News – June 29-July 3 and July 6-10
- Join CALS in Farm Technology Days Alumni Tent July 21-23
- Annual WALSAA Farm Technology Days Picnic Planned For July 22
- Town meeting for Ag Research Station users July 30
- Steenbock symposium looks at building life from scratch – July 30-Aug. 3
- Symposium on August 3 will honor Dick Burgess
- International Congress on Symbiosis – August 9-15
- Regulatory and Analytical Challenges for Food and Dietary Supplements – Aug. 25-26
- CALS event at World Dairy Expo – Sept. 30
- Save Oct. 8 for UW-Madison Diversity Forum
- Food Research Institute to offer research and education seminar series this fall
- Extension Ag and Natural Resources program is on Twitter
- Turfgrass pros come to learn about new issues and research on July 21
- UW System offers funds to support ARRA grant applications
- Following up on the status of proposals
- NIH Training Grant and Fellowship News
- WAES Fiscal Year 2010 New Project Budget Period Begins October 1, 2009
- WAES Fiscal Year 2009 Project Period Year End September 30, 2009
- Proposals for Ag and Natural Resource Conservation and Mgmt. conference due Aug. 1
- Funding opportunities: federal | non-federal | multistate proposals