
July 30 “town meeting” for Ag Research Station users

With the 2009 field season underway, we thought it would be a good time to call a town meeting for the entire ARS user community to join together to discuss ARS matters including facilities, safety, changes in personnel, budget issues, chargebacks and any other issues that should be brought forward. The town hall meeting will build on the dialogue started with the ARS user meetings and survey. We are prepared to offer some general comments on ARS mission and direction at this town hall meeting as well.

The meeting will take place on July 30 from 8 a.m.–9:30 a.m. in room 108, Plant Sciences.

Thank you for your participation. If you wish to provide any specific comments or questions to us in advance of this meeting that you wish to hear discussed, please contact us via email at or

Molly Jahn, Dean

Dwight Mueller
Director, CALS Agricultural Research Stations