CALS Climate Survey summary report available
As discussed at the May 13 All College Meeting, the summary report of the CALS climate survey conducted in fall of 2020 is now available. The report summarizes responses from the 933 university staff, academic staff, post-docs, graduate students and faculty who submitted responses to the online survey.
The purpose of the CALS organization climate survey was not to engage in deep data analysis, but to take the temperature of the climate within CALS units and identify key areas of opportunity for future action to advance an environment of respect and inclusivity. In order to meet the goal of protecting the identity of individual respondents, some types of cross tabulations are not presented in the report. In those instances where CALS has small numbers of respondents in a specific demographic group, presenting the data would have made it possible to link responses to individuals.
In March, the Office of Strategic Consulting shared results specifically from departments, centers and units with those groups. Units within CALS are using this information to plan activities to foster and maintain a positive climate. Academic department will summarize their plans in their FY22 updates to their five-year plans.