
All-college meeting on May 13 to focus on CALS climate survey results

Over the spring semester, teams representing CALS departments, centers, and other units have been meeting to discuss the results of the CALS climate survey and to understand their implications for enhancing climate. As shared in previous eCALS posts, the survey was administered in fall 2020 and achieved a 46 percent response rate. A focus of the recent unit-level meetings has been on how leadership can assess and approach the decision-making process in their units to increase engagement.

Now, as part of the ongoing effort to enhance climate initiatives in CALS, the climate survey will be a main topic at the all-college meeting on Thursday, May 13 from 2:30-4 p.m. At the meeting, CALS partners in the Office of Strategic Consulting will present key results from the survey, including how different employee groups experience climate in CALS, and how everyone can contribute to creating a climate of respect and inclusion.

If you plan to attend the meeting, please register here. A link to the Zoom meeting will be sent in advance.