
Retirement celebration for Dick Straub set for June 28

The college community is invited to the upcoming retirement celebration in honor of Senior Associate Dean Dick Straub, who is retiring after 40 years with CALS.

Dick Straub retirement celebration
Friday, June 28, 2019
1:30-3:30 pm
Brief program at 2:00 pm
Allen Centennial Garden
620 Babcock Drive, Madison, WI

No RSVPs necessary. If you have questions about the event, please contact Therese McHenry at or (608) 262-4930.

Dick’s service to CALS

A faculty member since 1979, Straub twice chaired the biological systems engineering department — from 1996 to 1999 and from 2007 to 2013 — and served as interim associate dean and executive director of the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station (the CALS Research Division) and director of Agricultural Research Stations.

Straub assumed the role of senior associate dean in June 2013, with responsibility for faculty personnel issues, including hiring 51 faculty members. He played important roles in planning for new facilities, gaining authority from the Wisconsin legislature to purchase and sell agricultural lands, and managing reductions to the college’s budget following cuts to UW System.

His university service included membership on the University Academic Planning Council, the Faculty Senate, the Physical Sciences Committee, the Campus Planning Committee, CALS Academic Planning Council, and numerous other college and campus committees.

Dick’s research interests focus on forage harvesting, processing of agricultural crops and materials, agricultural machinery, energy management and adapting farm equipment for people of all abilities. He taught or co-taught more than 15 courses in CALS and the College of Engineering, and mentored many students. He is a licensed engineer and active in the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.