
Nominations open for Clif Bar and Organic Valley Chair in Plant Breeding for Organic Agriculture

Nominations are now being accepted for the Clif Bar and Organic Valley Chair in Plant Breeding for Organic Agriculture. The chair was established by Clif Bar & Company and Organic Valley. It is awarded to a university-funded faculty member in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) who has an established record of developing crop cultivars under certified organic conditions and mentoring students in the discipline of organic cultivar development. The candidate must have an appointment that is at least 25 percent CALS-funded and must be dedicated to the science and practice of plant breeding for organic cropping systems.

The Clif Bar and Organic Valley Chair in Plant Breeding for Organic Agriculture provides the recipient with an annual research allocation of $47,500. This allocation can be used in support of research activities, including supplies, equipment, research assistants, publications, and other activities that enhance the work of the faculty member. Funds may not be used to support research or other activities related to gene transfer. The remaining half of the gift will be used for the holder’s salary and fringe benefits. As a college professorship, salary savings will be returned to the college.

The appointment is for a seven-year term. After seven years, nominations for the chair are re-opened. Current or past recipients may be nominated and considered for reappointment.

Tenured faculty must have at least met expectations in all areas during their most recent post-tenure review to be eligible. In addition, the nominee must have completed all annual employee requirements. 

The nomination packet should contain only the following items:

  1. A brief cover letter of nomination from the nominee’s department chair
  2. A description of the nominee’s research program and its significance, specifically related to creation of crop cultivars adapted to organic cropping systems and the mentoring of graduate students in breeding for organic systems (limit to two pages single-spaced) 
  3. The nominee’s current CV

Nominations must be submitted electronically to Kara Luedtke in CALS External Relations by Friday, April 28, 2023. Late and incomplete nominations will not be accepted.

The CALS Dean’s Leadership Team will review nominations and the dean will appoint the chair.