Nominations open for Atwood Faculty Fellow Award
Nominations are now being accepted for the Myron H. and Anna Atwood Faculty Fellow Award. This award recognizes faculty in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS) for excellence in teaching and provides support for continued efforts in the area of instruction. The candidate must have an appointment that is at least 25 percent CALS-funded.
The Atwood Faculty Fellow Award provides the recipient with a $20,000 one-time award to support teaching-related expenses, such as graduate teaching assistants and summer salary. Funds may not be used to attend national society meetings, purchase capital equipment, or to renovate university facilities. Funds must be spent within two years; unused funds revert to the dean.
The award is open to all tenure-track and tenured faculty with at least a 25% appointment in CALS. Nominees will be selected on the basis of 1) a demonstrated record of commitment to and excellence in teaching, and preferably scholarship of education, and 2) a project proposal (see item #5 below) that creatively applies educational innovation and helps forward the CALS teaching mission.
Tenured faculty must have at least met expectations in all areas during their most recent post-tenure review to be eligible. In addition, the nominee must have completed all annual employee requirements.
The nomination packet should contain only the following items:
- A brief cover letter of nomination from the nominee’s department chair.
- Teaching record (e.g. courses taught, contribution to each course, number of students) for the past three years.
- Evidence of quality teaching (e.g. course evaluation summaries, peer evaluations, teaching innovations) for last three years.
- As appropriate, a summary of the nominee’s scholarship of education program and its significance (limit to two pages single-spaced).
- A project proposal written by the nominee (limit to two pages single-spaced), describing a single project relevant to the nominee’s instructional interests around the scholarship of teaching that can be accomplished in the two-year period of the award. The proposed project can be part of a larger study, but it will be important for the candidate to specify the work to be done during the period of the award and the expected use of the funding.
- The nominee’s current, full CV.
Please note that the nomination packet may be shared with the donor of the fund when the donor is notified of the recipient.
Nominations must be submitted electronically to Kara Luedtke in CALS External Relations by Friday, April 28, 2023. Late and incomplete nominations will not be accepted.
The CALS Dean’s Leadership Team will review nominations and the dean will appoint the fellow.