Invitation to half-day workshop on inclusive teaching practices
CALS Equity and Diversity committee invites faculty and staff who teach to participate in an Inclusive Teaching Workshop on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 from 12:00-4:00 p.m. in 1220A Biochemical Sciences Building.
CALS EDC has been collaborating with Don Gillian-Daniel from the Delta Program in Research, Teaching, and Learning and Megan Schmid from Madison Teaching and Learning Excellence (MTLE) to offer a workshop designed to provide useful tools in helping faculty and staff understand issues relating to disparities in academic achievement and to develop strategies that can be implemented to address these factors. Attached is a program proposal submitted to CALS.
This team, in collaboration with programs on campus that engage in research around multicultural education and diversity training, have developed a four-hour workshop to engage faculty in salient conversations about underrepresented minority, first generation, and low socio-economic status undergraduate student academic achievement. The goal is to help faculty begin to do the self-work required to be an inclusive and reflective practitioner, and in turn engage in learning about highly impactful and inclusive instructional approaches. Across multiple cohorts, past faculty participants reported significant positive changes in their knowledge, attitudes, and teaching skills regarding inclusive teaching practices, with many of these changes having a direct impact on students and their learning in the classroom.
There are 30 spots available. We encourage at least one representative from each department in CALS to attend the workshop. To RSVP for the workshop, e-mail Felecia Lucht at by Tuesday, January 3, 2017.