
Inside UW-Madison wants your news

Inside UW-Madison, the twice-a-week campus-wide faculty/staff enewsletter, is always looking for news items and features; notification of important personnel or procedural changes in an organization; and other items of interest to faculty and staff campuswide. We also love “news you can use” that showcases the expertise of your faculty on everyday issues that people encounter outside of work.

Here are some key ideas for continuing to work with us:

  • Please continue to send your news to By doing so, you are submitting it into the campus news system for it to be potentially sent to media, posted on, used in social media and considered for the homepage and Inside UW-Madison. Details:
  • You can also send ideas, links, news you can use and content that may be of specific interest to faculty and staff to
  • Consider guaranteeing placement in Inside UW-Madison by advertising your major programs and events. We’ve had a very positive response from advertisers who have been promoting events or programs. Tricia Dickinson (, 265-9005), is happy to work with you. Details:

John Lucas, University Communications