
Workshop on preventing and managing intercultural confict at UW-Madison – April 24

A workshop on “Navigating Change: Preventing and Managing Intercultural Conflict at UW-Madison,” will be presented by Michelle LeBaron, Friday, April 24. For more information about this workshop and to register, click on this link. LeBaron is also the keynote presenter at the Wisconsin Association of Mediators Conference.

Michelle LeBaron is a tenured professor at the UBC law faculty and is Director of the UBC Program on Dispute Resolution. She joined the Faculty of Law in 2003 after twelve years teaching at the Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution and the Women’s Studies program at George Mason University in Fairfax,Virginia. From 1990-1993, she directed the Multiculturalism and Dispute Resolution Project at the University of Victoria. Professor LeBaron has lectured and consulted around the world on cross-cultural conflict resolution and has practiced as a family law and commercial mediator.

Professor LeBaron’s most recent book is Conflict Across Cultures, with co-editor Venashri Pillay of ACCORD (South Africa) and colleagues from three other world regions. She continues to pursue research into creativity, the arts and multiple ways of knowing as resources for bridging cultural differences.