Dean Jahn honored by Dairy Business Association
CALS Dean Molly Jahn received the Communicator of the Year Award from the Dairy Business Association on Dec. 4. The award recognizes an individual who has inspired and elevated the public’s interest in protecting the Wisconsin Dairy Industry. The award was presented by Brenda Murphy, a CALS grad who is managing editor of Agri-View, a Wisconsin agricultural newspaper. Agri-View sponsors the award.
Murphy made the following comments in presenting the award:
“In August of 2006, Molly Jahn delved into her new job as the Dean of the University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Her background as a highly regarded professor of plant breeding, genetics and plant biology at Cornell University made her an excellent choice to lead the UW’s world-class agricultural college. From the beginning, Dean Jahn’s leadership style and team-based approach to problem solving were recognized as important attributes. Her leadership skills would ensure that the strong relationship between DBA and the UW College of Agriculture and Life Sciences would not just continue but would grow.
“A much needed new dairy facility at the Arlington Research station had been in the planning stages when Dean Jahn began her duties at CALS. She immediately recognized the need to move the project ahead. She encouraged the development of a partnership within the dairy industry to design and oversee the new facility and to construct it in a timely and cost-effective manner. .
“Dean Jahn’s leadership and vision resulted in DBA forming the Dairy Building Contractors LLC. DBA member John Pagel provided the expertise to manage the project to completion. Less than two years after her arrival in Wisconsin, the new facility at the Arlington research station was completed on time and on budget.
“Dean Jahn also recognized the rapid changes taking place in the dairy industry in Wisconsin and around the world. She knew that Wisconsin needed to prepare from the university level to be a viable player in a competive market. Her budget request for the college included funding for critical research that could help our state’s dairy industry to modernize and grow.
“These are only are a few reasons why the Dairy Business Association is proud and honored to present Professor Molly Jahn, Dean of the University of Wisconsin’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, with the Communicator of the Year Award.”