
Seoul Broadcasting Systems visits Dairyland

Yoo, Ji Yeon savors the perfect pizza cheese while Son, Byoung Deuk of the SBS TV network tapes.
Yoo, Ji Yeon savors the perfect pizza cheese while Son, Byoung Deuk of the SBS TV network tapes.

What began as a simple query to a Korean student web site will turn into a week’s worth of morning television exposure for America’s Dairyland and the UW-Madison College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Jae-Hyuk Yu, bacteriology professor, noticed a request from the Korean television network SBS for leads in Wisconsin to help produce a series about dairy for its “Morning Wide” program.

Recognizing an opportunity, Jae-Hyuk reached out to the college for help putting together interview and photo opportunities. While on campus, the SBS crew consisting of producers Son, Byoung Deuk and Lee, Chul Soon with on-air personality Yoo, Ji Yeon, spent a morning in famous and historic Babcock Hall. The campus tour included a trip to the Arlington Research Station and an interview with Dean Molly Jahn.

Babcock Hall provided the opportunity to tape the processing of milk from start to finish. The SBS crew also had a good look at cutting edge research, education in action and some savory cheese and pizza for good measure.

The Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) and the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board (WMMB) both provided support for the SBS crew finding dairy producers, schools and processing facilities in Wisconsin to help tell the whole story of America’s Dairyland.