
Current multistate proposals inviting participation

1) NC_TEMP1173 – “Sustainable Solutions to Problems Affecting Bee Health”
2) NC_TEMP1176 – “Latinos and Immigrants in Midwestern Communities”

3) NC_TEMP1175 – “Sustainability of Next Generation Biofuels Systems”To View the Proposal:
1. Go to the National Information Management Support System at

2. Insert your login and password. (If you don’t have a login ID, you’ll need to register, also at the URL above.)

3. In the Top Menu, Select Project then Select View Projects

4. Enter the project number

To Create an Appendix E for a Proposed Project:
1. Go to the National Information Management Support System at

2. Insert your login and password. (If you don’t have a login, you’ll need to register, also at the above URL.)

3. In the Top Menu, Select Participants then Select Draft/Edit

4. On the Left side Menu, Select “Draft New”

5. Select the project number

6. Fill out the form.

7. Click on Submit.

Please Contact Angie Seitler at 608-261-1432 or before you create an Appendix E to add your participation to a proposed multistate project.

Thank you. Please contact the Administrative Advisor of the multistate project if you have questions about the proposed project.

Contact Chris Hamilton at 608-262-2349 or if you have questions about the use of NIMSS.

Contact Angie Seitler at 608-261-1432 or if you have questions about your participation.