
WISPER updates and info

  • WISPER enhancements
  • WISPER bugs and fixes
  • Research Protocols and WISPER

WISPER Enhancements

  • MY WISPER page: An “action date” column has been added to all sections on your MY WISPER page. For the Approvals section, the action date column will display the original date for the approval request. For all other sections, the action date column will reflect the date of the last campus owner change.
  • Approvals tab: The “Add Approval” button has become “Initiate New Approval Request.” The Details hyperlink has been changed to Review/Approve.
  • Projects tab: A hyperlink to protocol details (formerly accessible only through the compliance module on the General tab) has been added to the Projects tab to facilitate entry.
  • WISDM hyperlink: The MY WISPER page now includes a link to the “My Projects” page in WISDM.
  • Deletion warning: Now appearing when any attachments are marked for deletion.
  • WISPER bugs and fixes

    Last week a few “bugs” in the program appeared and were addressed by RSP. They have attended to all known issues and appreciate the input they got from the campus community regarding any problems with WISPER. Receiving feedback from users allows RSP to identify and address problems more quickly.

    If you are experiencing problems with the program, please contact RSP via

    Research Protocols and WISPER

    As you may know, there are limitations in WISPER to the number of human subjects, vertebrate animal, bio-safety and stem cell protocols that may be entered in a WISPER record.

    This has been particularly problematic for NRSA (National Research Service Award) proposals and for many center and program-project grants since they typically have large numbers of protocols.

    WISPER’s current protocol capacities are the following: 15 human subjects protocols; 9 vertebrate animals protocols; 5 bio-safety protocols; and 3 stem cell protocols. If you are inputting more than the protocol capacity for any category or have questions about your protocols, please contact CALS Compliance Specialist Cheryl Deering at 262-2536,