
Reminder on New Requirements for USDA Smith-Lever 3(d) Programs

The following information is excerpted from the September 17, 2008, CSREES Update:
Section 7403 of the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 (i.e., 2008 Farm Bill) amended section 3(d) of the Smith-Lever Act to require funds to be awarded competitively.  In addition, this amendment made the 1890 land-grant institutions eligible to participate in Smith-Lever section 3(d) programs at any appropriated level.  Section 7417 of FCEA amended section 208 of the District of Columbia Public Postsecondary Education Reorganization Act (P.L. No. 93-471; 88 Stat. 1428) to provide eligibility to the University of the District of Columbia for programs authorized and appropriated under Smith-Lever section 3(d).  These new provisions will be implemented in FY 2009.  Please note that the competition requirement does not apply to the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) as these funds are awarded according to a statutory formula provided in section 1425 of the National Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching Policy Act of 1977 (NARETPA).
The affected Smith-Lever 3(d) programs are:  Pest Management; Farm Safety; New Technologies for Agricultural Extension; Children, Youth, and Families at Risk; Youth Farm Safety Education and Certification; Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education; and Federally-recognized Tribes Extension Programs.
CSREES is currently evaluating the impact of these FCEA amendments on the administration of the above programs.  Given the diversity of these programs, there will be variation in the requirements for competition and/or recompetition for each Smith-Lever 3(d) program funded by CSREES.  Notwithstanding individual differences, however, the requirement for competition is mandated by law, and will be applied across all affected Smith-Lever 3(d) programs.
Additional information will be posted on the CSREES web site.  In addition, CSREES national program leaders (NPLs) will be notifying specific program contacts that may be affected.  If you have any questions regarding this, please contact the NPL assigned to the 3(d) program of interest.