Important NIH reminders, notices, and updates
-Clarification – Policy on Late Submission of Grant Applications
-Announcement – Initial Implementation Timeline for Enhancing Peer Review
-Reminder concerning Grantee Compliance with Public Access Policy and Related NIH Monitoring Activities
-Change in NIH New Investigator policies
-Revised New and Early Stage Investigator Policies
-New policy on Resubmission (Amended) Applications
-Updates and reminders on policy pertaining to grants to foreign institutions, international organizations, and domestic grants with foreign components
NIH clarification – Policy on Late Submission of Grant Applications (NOT-OD-08-111)
NIH has released a clarification statement regarding their policy on late submissions of grant applications. The change emphasizes consideration as it applies to those with the PD/PI role who have recent service, not past service on an NIH extramural review group, NIH Board of Scientific Counselors or Advisory Board/Council. See
NIH announces Initial Implementation Timeline for Enhancing Peer Review (NOT-OD-08-118)
In June 2007, NIH initiated an effort to formally review the NIH peer review system. External and internal working groups deliberated on challenges and recommendations regarding enhancements to the review system. The recommendations that are being implemented are based on the results of the diagnostic phase and significant dialogue with both the internal and external communities. The preliminary implementation plans for the 2009 through 2010 calendar years are as follows can be accessed at
NIH reminder concerning Grantee Compliance with Public Access Policy and Related NIH Monitoring Activities (NOT-OD-08-119)
This Notice describes NIH Public Access Policy compliance monitoring efforts for Fiscal Year (FY) 2009. It also provides important reminders concerning grantee demonstration of compliance and the location of citations for papers in applications, proposals and progress reports. Grantees are responsible for compliance with the Policy, including ensuring that any publishing or copyright agreements permit submission to PubMed Central in accord with the Policy. See
NIH — Change in NIH New Investigator policies (NOT-OD-08-121)
This notice describes a change in NIH New Investigator policies designed to encourage early transition to independence. Under this policy, New Investigators within ten years of completing their terminal research degree or within ten years of completing their medical residency will be designated Early Stage Investigators (ESIs). Traditional NIH research grant (R01s) applications from ESIs will be identified and the career stage of the applicant will be considered at the time of review and award. See
NIH Revised New and Early Stage Investigator Policies (NOT-OD-09-013)
This notice describes changes in New Investigator policies stemming from the NIH Enhancing Peer Review Initiative (see Under this new policy, the NIH intends to support New Investigators at success rates comparable to those for established investigators submitting new applications. Early Stage Investigators (ESIs), as previously described on September 26, 2008 at should comprise a majority of the New Investigators supported. Where possible, New Investigator applications will be clustered during review. This notice also advises New Investigators and ESIs that these NIH New Investigator Policies are limited to applications for traditional research project grant (R01) support. Accordingly, the NIH strongly encourages New Investigators, particularly ESIs, to apply for R01 grants when seeking first-time NIH funding. See
NIH new policy on Resubmission (Amended) Applications (NOT-OD-09-003)
NIH announces a change in the existing policy on resubmission (amended) applications. Beginning with original new applications (i.e., never submitted) and competing renewal applications submitted for the January 25, 2009 due dates and beyond, the NIH will accept only a single amendment to the original application. Failure to receive funding after two submissions (i.e., the original and the single amendment) will mean that the applicant should substantially re-design the project rather than simply change the application in response to previous reviews. It is expected that this policy will lead to funding high quality applications earlier, with fewer resubmissions. See
NIH updates and reminders on policy pertaining to grants to foreign institutions, international organizations, and domestic grants with foreign components (NOT-OD-09-010)
NIH awards grants to foreign institutions, international organizations and domestic institutions with foreign components. The purpose of this Guide Notice is to announce policy and restate and clarify existing policies, highlighting some of the unique features pertaining to this cohort of NIH grantees. See