
Help the Curriculum Planning Committee elect new members

As you are aware, annually elections are held on campus to elect members to important committees. In the division of Biological Sciences elections are held for the three arms of the divisional executive committee: the Tenure Committee, the Strategic Planning Committee, and the Curriculum Planning Committee. I am writing to you about the Curriculum Planning Committee, which was unable to elect new members this year.
The Curriculum Planning Committee is composed of nine members, with the stipulation that no more than four members may be from any one school or college. The committee is responsible for reviewing course proposals from all departments in the biological sciences, as well as fostering other curricular projects such as facilitating the establishment of the biology major and expanding the on-line Biological Sciences Course Guide (which will soon be made available for all courses taught on campus).

Current members on the committee are from Bacteriology, Dairy Science and Food Science (within the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences), Communicative Disorders and Zoology (within the College of Letters and Science), and Medical Sciences (within the Veterinary School). Additional members are needed, especially from departments in the School of Medicine and Public Health, the School of Pharmacy, the School of Veterinary Medicine, and also from the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (maximum of 1), and the College of Letters and Science (maximum of 2).

In order to fill the membership on the committee we propose to hold a special election in September to elect three people for three-year terms. We urge you to identify faculty members within your school/college to participate in this election. The committee will be unable to further the work of curriculum planning and development until these new members are elected. Faculty governance is only effective when faculty agree to give their time to do important committee work.

Barbara Ingham, Food Science
Chair, Biological Sciences Curriculum Planning Committee.