PSGSC to host Plant Workshop for Young Growers – Aug. 24
Do you have children ages 10-17 or know families who do? The Plant Sciences Graduate Student Council (PSGSC) is hosting a Plant Science Workshop for Young Growers on Saturday, Aug. 24. The event is geared toward inspiring the next generation of plant scientists and is open to any interested youth in the area. From plant life cycles and pollination to diseases, workshop sections led by UW–Madison plant-affiliated students and staff will offer an in-depth, hands-on experience exploring flora.
The event will be from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Aug. 24 at Moore Hall (1575 Linden Dr. Madison, WI 53705). There is a $15 registration fee for attendees and chaperones to aid in covering the expenses of t-shirts, pizza and supplies. The event will be capped at 60 attendees to ensure that participants have ample opportunities to participate and engage with group leaders, and registering as soon as possible is recommended.
Past councils have hosted the “Plant Science Merit Badge” workshop for members of the Boy Scout of America (BSA), and PSGSC is excited to announce the return of the merit badge workshop as part of this larger event. Participants can receive the badge by completing a homework assignment prior to the event (provided to BSA participants 3 weeks before the event), actively participating at stations throughout the day and submitting a completed worksheet at the end of the day. While it is possible to earn a plant science merit badge for those who are members, participants do not need to be BSA members to attend.
If you are interested in helping volunteer with PSGSC, fill out the volunteer form.
To register, scan the QR code on the poster below or visit this link. For more information, visit the PSGSC website or email them at with any questions or comments.