
R workshop: Fundamentals of geospatial data analysis – June 3-6

June 3-6
1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Ingraham hall, Room 115

Description: The goal of the Geospatial Data Carpentry workshop is to provide an introduction to core geospatial data concepts and dive into working with raster/vector data, including how to open, work with, and plot vector and raster-format spatial data in R. Additional topics include working with spatial metadata (extent and coordinate reference systems), reprojecting spatial data, and working with raster time series data. Preview the lesson materials (under schedule) for more information on what topics will be covered. The workshop is hosted by the UW–Madison Data Science Hub.

Prerequisites: This lesson assumes you have some knowledge of R. If you’ve never used R before, or need a refresher, start with our Introduction to R for Geospatial Data lesson. You can follow along with this prerequisite lesson via this recorded video series

Register: If you meet the above prerequisites, register for Geospatial Data Carpentry now.

Questions: Contact