Reminder to RSVP: CALS research priorities visioning sessions will take place Oct. 2
CALS faculty, staff and students are encouraged to attend listening sessions hosted by Dean Glenda Gillaspy to identify priority research areas for the college. Two sessions will be held on Monday, Oct. 2 – one at 11:00am – 1:00pm and a second at 3:00-5:00pm – in Upper Carson Gulley.
Please only register for one session. Food and drink will be provided.
As a land-grant university, UW-Madison and CALS specifically have the responsibility to develop solutions to big problems and use our resources responsibly. These interactive discussions will allow faculty, staff and students to identify research areas where CALS has existing strengths in addition to areas where additional investment of resources could make us even stronger. With limited resources, we have to be strategic in where we invest, and this is your opportunity to share your ideas related to research.
Results will be shared at an all-college meeting in November.
Please register here.
If you have questions, contact Jennifer Kushner at