Nominations open for Toepfer Faculty Fellow Award
Nominations are now being accepted for the Alfred Toepfer Faculty Fellow Award. This award recognizes promising assistant professors in the early stages of their careers. Two recipients will be chosen for 2023-24.
The award is open to CALS assistant professors in the second through fifth year of their first tenure-track appointment. Recipients must be in their second through fifth year of their pre-tenure appointment during the time they hold the award. Those with tenure clock extensions may be nominated if they are in their equivalent second through fifth year. The award is not intended to support faculty either post-tenure or during the year in which their tenure case is being assembled and advanced through the department’s executive committee and the divisional committee.
This award is for pre-tenure faculty whose research benefits agricultural activities within the United States and whose areas of interest lie in the scientific fields of crop research, improvements in crop yield and quality, or animal sciences. The nominee must have completed all annual employee requirements.
The Alfred Toepfer Faculty Fellow Award provides the recipient with a $10,000 one-time stipend to support the fellow’s research program. Current or past recipients may be re-nominated for the award and can hold the award for a maximum of two years.
Selection criteria for the fellow include:
- High quality doctorate and/or post-doctorate research that has been published in appropriate and respected peer-reviewed journals;
- Progress toward developing an active, productive, externally funded research program that has potential to produce significant new knowledge and insights in the field of the nominee;
- Evidence that the nominee’s research has important applications or potential applications that will benefit agriculture, natural resources or human well-being; and
- Evidence that the nominee is on a trajectory to becoming a leading authority in their discipline.
- Meet the specific criteria in the award description above.
The nomination packet should contain only the following items:
- A brief cover letter of nomination from the nominee’s department chair.
- A summary of the nominee’s research that details how research program goals meet the criteria outlined above (limit to two pages single-spaced).
- A description of the nominee’s specific financial need related to research goals.
- The nominee’s current, full CV.
Please note that the nomination packet may be shared with the donor of the fund when the donor is notified of the recipient.
Nominations must be submitted electronically to Kara Luedtke in CALS External Relations by Friday, April 28, 2023. Late and incomplete nominations will not be accepted.
The CALS Dean’s Leadership Team will review nominations and the dean will appoint the fellow.