CALS Business Services travel tip: Be patient, expect challenges for airline travel
CALS Business Services would like to encourage members of the CALS community to have extra patience as they deal with work-related travel now and in the coming months. Frontier Airlines, a popular flight option for UW–Madison personnel, recently announced they would be drastically altering their offerings by cutting more than 4,000 flights in the near future. This is, apparently, the result of staffing shortages and logistical issues. Other airlines are similarly impacted.
As recently reported on the Travel Incorporated webpage, the Frontier Airline cuts will include flights from Wisconsin to Las Vegas, Tampa, and more. Travel Incorporated is the University’s contracted travel agency for individual travel. Concur is the online booking portal administered by Travel, Inc. Prior to booking travel in Concur, employees must set up a profile.
It’s a good idea to carry a Travel Support Contacts wallet card with you for easy access to Travel Incorporated and UW TravelWIse while traveling. A card may be requested from your financial specialist or Pam Thompson via CALS Business Services.
Watch eCALS and the CALS Business Services webpage for the next CALS-specific travel and expense reimbursement training, to be offered in September.