
EDC lunch and learn: Native Nations UW updates and plans – Dec. 20

Members of the CALS community are invited to join the final session of the CALS Equity and Diversity Committee’s Fall 2021 Lunch and Learn Series. 

“Native Nations UW: Continued Dialogue and Action – Phase 2”
Presentation by the Leaders of Native Nations UW Phase 2 Implementation Group – Annie Jones, Aaron Bird Bear, Omar Poler
December 20, 2021
12:00 pm -1:00 pm
Virtual via Zoom:

For the last CALS Lunch and Learn session for the Fall 2021 semester, we want to revisit the central theme undertaken during the Spring 2021 semester highlighting awareness of historical and current issues relating to Indigenous communities, and forging partnership opportunities as part of Our Shared Future. In the spirit of Author Jemar Tisby’s ARC of racial reconciliation (Awareness, Relationship, Commitment), we cannot stay in the awareness stage, even though that continues to have great importance. We urge individuals, units, and departments in CALS to take action steps to forge relationships steeped in long-term commitment to serve and support the efforts undertaken on campus and in the community.

Leaders of the Native Nations UW Phase 2 committee will be joining us to help recap the goals of the Our Shared Future presentations from Spring, provide an overview of the seven focus areas of NNUW for 2021-2025, and discuss ways CALS might be involved in the seven focus areas, including people and funds to develop an institutional land acknowledgement process.

To access information and materials from previous EDC Lunch and Learn sessions, visit: