Save the date: CALS Business Services to host info session on purchasing card processing changes on Nov. 4
The way purchasing card purchases are processed is changing. On December 11, campus will start using the Purchasing Card module in the Shared Financial System (SFS) to process and post all purchasing card purchases. It will replace US Bank Access Online. Please see for more detailed information.
Training information will be emailed to card holders and site managers starting October 15. Training will be required, and cardholders that do not take the training by December 11 will have their card cancelled.
Save the date: CALS Business Services will host an information session at 2:00 PM on November 4 via Teams. Invite will be emailed to site managers and card holders.
Questions and concerns can be routed to Sandy Fowler, Assistant Dean, CALS Business Services,, 608-262-3947