Distinguished prefix applications for academic staff due to CALS HR by Jul. 2, 2021
If you have academic staff for whom you will be seeking a Distinguished Prefix title, please note that the deadline to CALS Human Resources is July 2, 2021. Although the campus deadline is August 1, the application needs to reach our office by July 2 to assure sufficient time is provided for college review/approval, incorporation of Dean’s letter of support, and preparation/submission by campus deadline. When submitting to CALS, the application packet should be in a format that allows editing of the table of contents, without page numbering of the packet. This is so that once the Dean’s letter is incorporated, the table of contents can be edited and the packet then numbered according to campus guidelines. If individuals have questions regarding the process, please have them contact CALS HR.
More information about the Distinguished Prefix title and application process is included in this email message recently sent by Jake Smith, secretary of the academic staff:
If you are a mid-to-late career academic staff member, you may be eligible to apply for a Distinguished Prefix title. The Distinguished Prefix title was created to recognize academic staff who have acquired extensive experience, advanced skills/knowledge, and a reputation beyond their school/college/division. The Distinguished Prefix title is not an automatic promotional step. It is an honor reserved for individuals who have demonstrated remarkable contributions to their profession. Currently, only some Category A academic staff in the Professional title series and Category B academic staff in the Instructional and Research title series are eligible for the Distinguished Prefix title (i.e., limited appointments and the program manager series are excluded). To find out if your title series has a Distinguished Prefix option, you can visit https://www.ohr.wisc.edu/polproced/UTG/TitleDesc2.html and search for your title. The Distinguished Prefix title is considered a promotion and includes a 5-10% base salary adjustment.
For more information and for details regarding the application process, please visit https://acstaff.wisc.edu/personnel/distinguished-prefix. To facilitate the committee’s ability to appropriately evaluate your application, it is important that your application clearly demonstrates how you have met the criteria for the Distinguished Prefix title, including documentation of your outstanding accomplishments with letters of recommendation that support your reputation and influence beyond your school/college/division. Your application should not include extensive personal notes from students/patients or paperwork regarding previous promotions. The quality of information is more important than quantity; redundancy of information should be eliminated.
The Secretary’s office has several sample application packets that you can view. Please contact my office to make an appointment. Please note that, for the time being, all appointments will continue to be virtual.
Be sure to check with your department/unit human resources office and your school/college/division human resources office for additional information and deadlines. There is parallel paperwork that must be prepared by these offices in addition to the application you are preparing, so you need to collaborate with them in your application process. Please note that applications require approval from the department and school/college/division human resources office. Final awarding of the distinguished prefix is at the discretion of the Dean/Director.
Applications can be submitted at any time, but are due to my office no later than August 1 for consideration at the fall meeting of the committee. If you have any questions, please contact the Secretary of the Academic Staff office.