
CALS supports #MaskUpUW: Marshfield ARS personnel mask up for wide variety of duties

Samantha Shaw, staff member at Marshfield Agricultural Research Station (MARS), conducting healthcare checks on cows in the dairy herd.

A big round of thanks go out to our colleagues at Marshfield Agricultural Research Station for sharing these great photos that show how they perform a wide array of duties — from milking cows to administering vaccines — while wearing masks.

Now it’s YOUR turn!

We are asking members of the CALS community to please share images of themselves and/or their colleagues engaged in good public health behaviors, such as wearing face masks and doing proper physical distancing. This CALS effort is part of a broader campus-wide #MaskUpUW campaign.

There are two ways to submit your photos. You can email them to Or if you’d rather share them via Twitter, just be sure to mention @UWMadisonCALS so we don’t miss your tweet.

Submissions will be added to the “CALS supports #MaskUpUW” Flickr album and will be considered for sharing via the eCALS newsletter and through CALS social media accounts. We appreciate your participation and look forward to seeing your #MaskUpUW photos!

Tim Marceille, animal caretaker at MARS, placing a milker on a dairy cow.
Will Cordes, ag project supervisor at MARS, drawing an aliquot of vaccine in a syringe.