Reminder: Hatch and McIntire-Stennis Annual/Final REEport reports due Jan. 17
It’s that time of year again, when you need to submit your federal fiscal year 2019 (10/01/2018-09/30/2019) Hatch project progress and/or termination reports to the Research, Education, & Extension Project Online Reporting Tool using the REEport website, formally known as CRIS. The deadline for submitting 2019 progress/final reports is Friday, January 17th, 2020.
USDA’s electronic reporting mechanism is used to document the progress of current Hatch, Hatch Multistate, McIntire-Stennis, Animal Health or NIFA Non-Formula grants. The January date is for Hatch/McStennis/Animal Health grants. NIFA Non-Formula grants (e.g. AFRI, OREI, SCRI etc.) due date falls on the project’s anniversary start date. Please check the REEport site to make sure you are not overdue on a USDA grant progress report, if you do not have a current Hatch, Hatch Multistate, McIntire-Stennis or Animal Health grant.
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Casey Hillmer at 262-2397 or at