
CALS CASI agenda for May 22, 2019

The CALS Committee on Academic Staff Issues is meeting on Wednesday, May 22, 2019, from 1:00pm to 2:00pm in 250 Agricultural Hall. The agenda is below:

  1. Review agenda
  2. Approval of April 24, 2019 meeting minutes
  3. Subcommittee updates
    1. Awards and professional development
    2. Communications
    3. Nominations and mentoring
    4. Personnel procedures, compensation and governance
      1. Benefit costs in relation to salary adjustments
  4. Bylaw updates finalized
  5. Chair and chair-elect for 2019-20
  6. Subcommittee memberships for 2019-20
  7. College updates and questions from the committee
  8. Academic Planning Council report
  9. Adjourn

More information on the CALS Committee on Academic Staff Issues can be found online at: