CALS recruiting for spring 2018 blended learning fellowships
The following message was sent from Timmo Dugdale, DoIT Blended Learning Initiatives Program Manager on Nov. 8.
As you may have read in this month’s THE BLEND newsletter (, that we are recruiting for two new fellowship programs for Spring 2018. I am writing to you to see whether you or someone you know who would be a good fit for these programs. If so, please, please direct them to apply at: If you have questions about the programs, feel free to give me a call at 262-5354 or email me at
Here is some information on each program:
DoIT Academic Technology’s Faculty Engagement service is accepting applications for the Blended Learning Fellowship on Active Learning Classrooms for spring semester 2018. The promotion of pervasive active learning and the creation of active learning classrooms on campus have created a need for faculty and instuctional staff to develop new skills to use these learning spaces effectively. Participants of this program will recommend training and support options for campus instructors using these active learning classrooms, and will receive a $500 stipend for their time. Successful candidates should already have experience using active learning classrooms. In addition to the weekly sessions, participants may be asked to spend additional time reading articles and/or gathering feedback from others on campus.
DoIT Academic Technology’s Faculty Engagement service is accepting applications for the Blended Learning Fellowship on Evidence-Based Teaching for spring semester 2018. This program invites campus participation to explore how evidence-based teaching impacts learners and instructors. Recent campus planning in the learning analytics domain provides an opportunity to explore one approach to evidence-based teaching. Join us as we examine the emerging paradigm of learning analytics. Faculty and instructional staff who are interested in evidence-based teaching or have experimented with learning analytics processes in their teaching are invited to apply for the program. Participants will receive a $500 stipend for their time, which includes 60-90 minutes prep time each week along with a weekly 90-minute face-to-face session.
Blended Learning Initiatives Program Manager
DoIT Academic Technology | Faculty Engagement
University of Wisconsin–Madison