
Reminder: All-College Meeting this Friday

Don’t forget to join your colleagues on Friday, Dec. 9 for the All-College Meeting: Designing CALS for the Future. This event gives you, as a member of the CALS community, an opportunity to share your thoughts regarding trends in agricultural and life sciences that will influence the future of the college.

In addition, Dean VandenBosch will provide a college update including information about the university budget, the college’s facilities projects and the priorities for the next few years.

All members of the CALS community are encouraged to attend. Please plan to come, and urge others to do the same. The meeting is set for Friday, Dec. 9 from 2:30-4 p.m. in the Microbial Sciences Building’s Ebling Auditorium.

A public hearing regarding the proposed merger of the departments of Landscape Architecture and Urban and Regional Planning will immediately follow the meeting in the same room.