
Reminder: Timely proposal processing through CALS Research Admin

As is often the case in January and February, the CALS Research Division has experienced a sharp increase in late proposal submissions. The Research Division’s required lead time is a minimum of five business days prior to submission deadline.

Over the last week alone we have had numerous proposals arrive to our office on the last day, last hour, and even last (single!) minute. Late submissions cause stress for the Research Admin staff, jeopardize budget/proposal review, cascade to compromise work on other PIs’ proposals, and risk missing strict agency deadlines.

The Research Admin team members are all highly committed to the their work and their partnership with PIs in the proposal submission process. Please respect their commitment to excellence on behalf of all PIs. If you anticipate that your proposal will not be sufficiently complete to meet the five-day deadline, please contact your Research Admin rep to explain your circumstances and alert him/her to your late submission.