
Kickapoo Valley Reforestation Fund Call for Proposals

2013 Proposals due December 7, 2012

For complete application materials, visit:


The Kickapoo Valley Reforestation Fund was established through a generous bequest to the University of Wisconsin Foundation by Ralph Nuzum, a long-time businessman and resident of the Kickapoo Valley.

Mr. Nuzum’s intentions were set forth in a 1973 document which stated, in part, that:

“…the donor wishes that the income from the Fund be used to support a model comprehensive land use forestation, conservation, and rehabilitation project involving and interdisciplinary team cooperating with broadly representative citizens, groups, and local leaders in the Kickapoo Valley.”

Principles for Funding

The Kickapoo Valley Reforestation Fund welcomes proposals for projects that enhance the ecological, economic and social well-being of the Kickapoo Valley and its residents.

The Fund intends to support “good ideas” that fit within the spirit of Mr. Nuzum’s bequest. Proposals are a first step in identifying “good ideas,” especially those which originate with the citizens of the Valley. Following review by the Fund Committee, those proposals receiving favorable evaluations will be implemented with the guidance of Fund staff.

Project Guidelines

Proposals must identify a significant assessment, action or analysis which, upon completion, could reasonably be expected to enhance the overall quality of life in the Kickapoo Valley. Proposals also should identify some practical measure or indicator of success that could be understood and appreciated by non-scientists.

The following principles will also guide the Fund in selecting projects for support:

  • Projects should propose actions or devise solutions which address pragmatic problems deriving from past or current use of forest lands and which improve our understanding, appreciation and management of forest resources in the Kickapoo Valley.
  • Projects should focus on forest resources in the broad sense, including biophysical features, economic activities, and human interactions with the distinctive ecology of the Kickapoo Valley.
  • Projects should have a strong scientific basis and build upon results of past research and action programs conducted in the Valley and in similar rural communities and landscapes of the upper midwest.
  • Projects must be collaborative in nature and activity include a member of the UW-Madison faculty. Faculty and permanent professional staff salaries cannot be included in project budgets.
  • Use of the Nuzum fund to leverage other funding sources is strongly encouraged.
  • The Fund does not provide general operating funds for Valley-based organizations; funds may not be used to support litigation or lobbying, land purchases or construction or capital improvements.

Application Process

Proposals should be limited to 4 typed pages containing the following sections:

  • Justification and Outcome
  • Proposed Work
  • Budget
  • Personnel

For detailed explanation of each section, See the 2013 Kickapoo Valley Reforestation Fund call for proposals.

Additionally, a budget identifying significant needs by category must be completed on the supplied Application Cover Page. A brief résumé of key participants, especially the faculty collaborator and the local program manager, should also be attached.

Submit proposals electronically to by December 7, 2012.