
What will the campus of 2112 look like? Use #Campus2112 to join the conversation.

The Wisconsin Institute for Discovery invites you to imagine what the university will look like 100 years from now.

Will we still have a physical campus? A formal faculty? Will courses involve cloud-based software? Multiplayer games? What disciplines will be crucial in the future? Or will years to come resemble the stuff of science fiction and fantasy?

Through an inaugural event in our Counterfactual Campus program (Oct. 29 and 30), we’re gathering together leaders and thinkers from diverse backgrounds to explore these questions. We’re asking departments and colleges on campus to join the conversation and use the hashtag #Campus2112 to tap into future-oriented conversations you’re already having on your own feeds. We really see this as a chance to build a fun, meaningful campus-wide conversation. The campaign will begin Tuesday, Oct. 9 and run through the end of the event on Oct. 30.



Please find more details in the attached pdf. We hope to be hearing what your campus of the future looks like!