
Challenge for Status of Wisc. Ag report authors : Analyze a Farm Bill that hasn’t been written

Federal farm legislation is due for its five-year overhaul, but when and if that will happen is up in the air. The anticipated 2012 Farm Bill has been caught in the Congressional gridlock surrounding the effort to come up with a plan to reduce the federal budget deficit. That’s made things interesting for CALS agricultural policy experts who were assigned to write about the 2012 Farm Bill and it’s expected impact on Wisconsin’s farm sector for the 2012 Status of Wisconsin Agriculture report. But they’ve done a good job of sorting through proposals put forth by various commodity groups and details that have leaked about a “secret” proposal submitted by the four majority and minority leaders of the Senate and House agriculture committees. The report will be released on Jan. 25 in conjunction with the Jan. 25 at the 2012 Wisconsin Agricultural Economic Outlook Forum. The report’s authors will be speaking at the forum, which will be webcast live on the event website.