Leopold Lecture to explore North American model of wildlife conservation – April 20
The Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology’s 2010 Leopold Lecture will feature Shane Mahoney, a renowned expert on North American wildlife conservation. Mahoney, executive director of Science for Newfoundland and Labrador, will talk about “Maintaining public trust in the North American model of wildlife conservation: The crucial partnership between hunter-conservationists and wildlife professionals.”
The lecture will take place April 20 at 6 p.m. in Ebling Auditorium, located in the UW-Madison’s Microbial Sciences Building. Attendees are invited to a pre-lecture ice cream reception at 5 p.m. in Allen Centennial Gardens, across the street from the Microbial Sciences Building. Free parking is available in Lot 36 after 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. To view a campus map, visit: http://www.map.wisc.edu/.
For questions about the Leopold Lecture or information about the North American Conservation Model, please contact Scott Craven: srcraven@wisc.edu. To download a flier, click here: 2010_Leopold_Lecture.
Leopold Lecture sponsors include: Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology, UW Campus Lectures Committee, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Badgerland Chapter of the Safari Club International, Pheasants Forever, Wisconsin Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, Wisconsin Chapter of The Wildlife Society, The Ruffed Grouse Society, and Whitetails Unlimited.