NSF Broader Impact CAREER Proposal Workshop, June 11
Developing An Excellent Education Plan for your Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program Proposal — a workshop presented by the Delta Program in Research, Teaching, and Learning and the Center for Biology Education, will be held Thursday, June 11 from 11 a.m. –1 p.m. in Tong Auditorium, 1003 Engineering Centers. This workshop is designed to assist new faculty prepare CAREER proposals in all fields of science, engineering and mathematics. We invite everyone to network with colleagues and possible collaboration partners.Successful CAREER proposals are expected to demonstrate creative, integrative, and effective research and education plans.
In this workshop, you will:
- Discuss strategies for writing a successful education plan for your CAREER proposal.
- Hear from panelists about successful CAREER proposals and the review process.
- Learn about resources on campus focused on effective integration of research and education.
- Have time to work on your proposal drafts.