
“Bracing for Impact: Climate Change Adaptation in Wisconsin” series continues

“Bracing for Impact: Climate Change Adaptation in Wisconsin” is hosted by WICCI, Wisconsin’s Initiative on Climate Change Impacts.
All are at 7 pm, 425 Henry Mall in the auditorium (1111) of the Biotechnology Center. They will be broadcast by WI Public TV through University Place.

-April 30, Impacts of Climate Change on Wisconsin Stormwater, David Liebl (Statewide Stormwater Specialist, UW-Cooperative Extension)
-May 7, Health Impacts of Climate Change, Jonathan Patz – (Professor, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment – UW Madison) and Changes in Wisconsin Weather Extremes, Steve Vavrus – (Senior Scientist – UW Madison)
-May 14, Response of Wisconsin’s Wildlife to Climate Change, Karl Martin (Section Chief, Wildlife and Forestry Research – WI DNR) and Michael Meyer (Research Scientist – WI DNR)
-June 4, Climate Change’s Impacts on Wisconsin Ecosystems, David Mladenoff (Professor of Forest Landscape Ecology – UW Madison) and Sara Hotchkiss (Assistant Professor of Botany, also Center for Climatic Research – UW Madison)