
Effort to expand ag pathogen research in developing regions seeks proposals by March 31

ICGEB, TWAS and UNESCO/IBSP are pleased to announce the launch of a new funding opportunity through the implementation of the “Joint Project on Capacity Building in Basic Molecular Biology.” The program aims to create a network of laboratories involved in research on plant and animal pathogens that affect agricultural productivity in developing regions, and that could stimulate South- South and North-South co-operation, thus building research capacity in scientifically lagging countries and in the developing world at large. The program will be implemented in four phases:

  • Phase 1: Call for Letter of Intent (submission deadline: March 31, 2009)
  • Phase 2: Coordinating Workshop organized by ICGEB, TWAS and UNESCO/IBSP during 2009 (dates to be decided)
  • Phase 3: Call for fully developed applications (forms to be circulated after the Workshop)
  • Phase 4: Final meeting More information on the four phases as well as the application form to submit the Letters of Intent to ICGEB are provided in the file to be downloaded from the ICGEB website at:

For any queries or additional information on this new programme, please contact Ms. Barbara Argenti at ICGEB (