Spring seminars: Climate Change Adaptation in Wisconsin
“Bracing for Impact: Climate Change Adaptation in Wisconsin” seminars are hosted by Wisconsin’s Initiative on Climate Change Impacts. The seminars are for a general audience, open to the public, and held at 425 Henry Mall in the auditorium (1111) of the Biotechnology Center. They will be broadcast by Wisconsin Public TV through University Place.
- February 26, 7 PM. Introducing Wisconsin’s Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI), Dick Lathrop (Research Scientist – Wis. DNR) and Dan Vimont (Assistant Professor, Center for Climatic Research [CCR] and Department of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences [AOS] – UW Madison)
- March 4, 7 PM. Wisconsin’s Future Climate, Michael Notaro (Associate Scientist, CCR – UW Madison)
- March 19, 7 PM. Recent Evidence of Wisconsin Climate Change, Chris Kucharik (Assistant Professor of Agronomy and Environmental Studies – UW Madison)
- March 26, 7 PM. Response of Wisconsin’s Cold Water Fish to Climate Change, Matthew Mitro (Research Scientist – WI DNR) and Response of Wisconsin’s Cool and Warm Water Fish to Climate Change, John Lyons (Research Scientist – WI DNR)
- April 9, 7 PM. Response of Wisconsin’s Lakes to Climate Change, John Magnuson (Professor Emeritus of Zoology – UW Madison) and Responses of Wisconsin Ecosystems to Climate Change: Lessons from the Recent and Not-So-Recent Past, Jack Williams – (Assistant Professor of Geography – UW Madison)
- April 30, 7 PM. Impacts of Climate Change on Wisconsin Stormwater, David Liebl (Statewide Stormwater Specialist, UW-Cooperative Extension) and Coastal Impacts of Wisconsin Climate Change, Phil Keillor (retired Coastal Engineering Specialist – UW Madison Sea Grant)
- May 7, 7 PM. Health Impacts of Climate Change, Jonathan Patz – (Professor, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment – UW Madison) and Changes in Wisconsin Weather Extremes, Steve Vavrus (Senior Scientist – UW Madison)
- May 14, 7 PM. Response of Wisconsin’s Wildlife to Climate Change, Karl Martin (Section Chief, Wildlife and Forestry Research – Wis DNR) and Michael Meyer (Research Scientist – WI DNR)
- June 4, 7 PM. Climate Change’s Impacts on Wisconsin Ecosystems, David Mladenoff (Professor of Forest Landscape Ecology – UW Madison) and Sara Hotchkiss (Assistant Professor of Botany, also Center for Climatic Research – UW Madison)