
New campus website offers teaching and learning resources

I wanted to introduce you to our new Teaching & Learning Excellence website — — containing solutions and resources to support our teaching and learning activities. This site has been jointly developed by the Teaching Academy, DoIT’s Academic Technologies and my office.

The thought behind this site is that when we are searching for answers to teaching problems or looking for new or better activities and assignments to reinvigorate our classes, we very often ask a colleague or randomly search the web using google or some other search engine. This site makes both of these search activities more readily available–using web 2.0 features, your colleagues (and you!) can share answers to teaching and learning questions as well as links to local and global resources.

Using your netID, you can contribute fully to the site by adding solutions,
discussion topics and comments, and entries into the campus calendar. We are already a very strong teaching and learning community; we now have another way to share that expertise with each other.

Aaron M. Brower, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning