
CALS student team wins national video contest

A video prepared by a team of CALS students won the $5,000 Grand Prize in a national video contest sponsored by Alpharma Animal Health. The UW-Madison team beat out second- and third-place teams from the University of Florida and the University of Arizona. To see view the videos, visit the contest website,

The team included former CALS students Ali Schultz, Tim Clark and Dan Robinson, and current students Shelly Bohn and Katie Klessig. All were or are members of the campus student chapter of the National AgriMarketing Association. Sarah Botham, a faculty associate in the Department of Life Sciences Communication, advises the chapter and provided guidance on the project.

“I would like to congratulate the University of Wisconsin-Madison group for their video, One and the Same (OatS), and the important message it delivered regarding the humane, ethical ways animals are treated on America’s farming operations,” says Jeff Mellinger, leader for sales and marketing for Alpharma Animal Health.

The video contest began earlier this fall as college agriculture students from across the country were asked to compile short video clips related to food production. Students received a $25 gift card for each video accepted, up to 10. More than 150 clips were uploaded to the contest Web site. In the second phase of the contest, students were asked to compile these clips, along with their own footage, to complete a video telling a story about how food is produced.

Alpharma Inc., Animal Health is a leading manufacturer and marketer of animal health feed additives to the cattle, poultry and swine industries worldwide.