
New CALS fleet rates begin Jan. 1

The CALS Fleet leases its vehicles from UW Fleet and sets use rates according to what UW Fleet charges for the lease of these vehicles. In addition to the expense of leasing vehicles from UW Fleet, the CALS Fleet must also pay for parking permits, telephone costs and form printing charges. These costs are also factored into the rates. The last CALS Fleet rate increase was January 1, 2006. Since then we have held the CALS Fleet rates by cutting labor expenses, increasing CALS Fleet usage, and negotiating favorable long term lease rates. We have been holding our own against the UW Fleet increases, but their latest increase (October 1, 2008) makes it necessary to increase the CALS Fleet rates. The new CALS Fleet rates, effective January 1, 2009 are:


  • old rate: $30.00/day plus $0.15./mile
  • new rate:$35.00/day plus $0.20/mile

Pickup Trucks

  • old rate: $30.00/day plus $0.20/mile
  • new rate: $35.00/day plus $0.25/mile

The new rates will continue to include all gas, oil and maintenance needs.

If you have any questions concerning this change to our CALS Fleet rates, please don’t hesitate to contact Phil Dunigan at 262-2969 or