Enroll online by Nov. 14 for Employee Reimbursement Account
The annual enrollment period for the Employee Reimbursement Account program (ERA) is October 6 – November 14, 2008. You must re-enroll annually! For the second year we are helping the UW System to be “green” by providing the 2009 ERA enrollment information to employees electronically. Click on http://etf.wi.gov/publications/era_2009_summary_guide.pdf for a summary of the ERA plan.
The ERA brochure and summary contain important and useful information. We suggest that you retain the URL for reference throughout the year. The ERA program is administered by Fringe Benefits Management Company (FBMC).
- Offers a tax-free Medical Expense Account.
- You can be reimbursed for non-covered medical expenses, such as copayments, eyeglasses, laser eye surgery, in vitro fertilization and medical mileage. A more complete list of covered expenses is found on page 4 of the Summary.
- The minimum annual contribution is $100. The annual maximum contribution is $7,500.
- Offers a tax-free Dependent Care Account.
- You can be reimbursed for eligible childcare for children under age 13.
- The minimum annual contribution is $100. The annual maximum contribution per family is $3,000 for one child or $5,000 for two or more children). See page 5 of the attached Summary for more details.
- Expenses for the Medical Expense Account and the Dependent Care Account must be incurred between January 1, 2009 and March 15, 2010 and must be submitted to Fringe Benefits Management Company by April 15, 2010
- ANY remaining balance in your account at end of plan year is FORFEITED!
- Enroll on-line at www.myFBMC.com; or
- Enroll by telephone by calling 1-800-847-8253 Monday – Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., CST.
- For enrollment questions during the open enrollment period, call FBMC at
- 1-888- 966-5577
If you wish to view the complete ERA brochure in addition to the ERA Summary, go to http://etf.wi.gov/publications/era_2009_booklet.pdf. You can also request the 2009 ERA brochure from FBMC by calling 1-866-440-7149 or emailing ERABenefitsGuide@fbmc-benefits.com or you can contact your campus benefits office to review or obtain the ERA brochure.