
Research Division hot topics and FAQs

Scroll down to read the following announcements…

  • Cheryl Deering and Julene Gaspard join CALS award team
  • Availability Policy on SFS and WISDM
  • Intergovernmental Personnel Assignments (IPAs)
  • Training Grants and the NIH Public Access Policy
  • Verification of Diversity Status for NRSA Fellowships
  • Summary of NIH’s transition plans from PureEdge to Adobe
  • Summer 2008 Newsletter is available
  • USDA update

Welcome to Cheryl Deering and Julene Gaspard

The CALS Research Division welcomes Cheryl Deering and Julene Gaspard to its awards team.

Cheryl Deering will begin her position as Research Compliance Specialist (vice-Stirr) with the Research Division August 18. She comes to CALS from the School of Veterinary Medicine, most recently their Animal Resource Center (ARC). She has held a variety of positions in SVM in the research and instruction areas — ARC (research, compliance, facility management, administration); the Department of Medical Sciences (instructional specialist working with their teaching laboratories, compliance, research); and the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (veterinary technician). She will bring a varied knowledge base with significant strengths in the animal, accreditation, compliance, research, and instructional areas.

Julene Gaspard will begin with the Research Division August 4 as a Research Administrator (vice-Luschen). She comes to CALS from the Arizona Department of Education. Her background includes program coordination/administration and grant/scholarship management, and she a has worked with diverse communities including universities/colleges, state, federal, public, private, and non-profits. She recently relocated to Madison (her alma mater) and is looking forward to beginning her position in CALS. Her role in the Research Division will be in Preaward working with faculty/staff/departments/centers on application/proposal development and submission.

Availability Policy on SFS and WISDM

SFS, of which WISPER is a part, is managed by UWSA. System has an availability policy on SFS and WISDM. The SFS Availability Statement can be viewed at Basically, SFS and WISDM are fully supported during business hours. The system is generally available outside of business hours but, due to overnight processing, the system response may be affected. In addition, Sunday mornings (5:00am – noon) is reserved for normal maintenance and the system may not be available.

Intergovernmental Personnel Assignments

RSP has prepared an additional desk reference on the WISPER website to explain the routing of IPA agreements. IPAs are agreements between the UW and a federal agency used to facilitate the assignment of a UW employee to work for a federal agency or vice versa. Such agreements do route via WISPER, as any other agreement, but also must include review/approval by the Academic Personnel Office. We do have arrangements such as this on occasion. For your future reference, see under the Desk Reference labeled “IPA Routing Process” or contact staff in the Research Division for assistance.

Training Grants and the NIH Public Access Policy

NIH has issues this remindered that the Public Access Policy does apply to papers written by trainees supported on T32s, and that the PI of the T32 is responsible for enforcing that policy, and also correctly reporting the papers in their competing renewals and progress reports. The following language and links have been provided for your reference.

From the PHS 398 Instructions: 1.11 Public Access Policy:
The Public Access Policy ensures that the public has access to the published results of NIH funded research at the NIH National Library of Medicine’s (NLM) PubMed Central (PCM), a free digital archive of full-text biomedical and life sciences journal literature ( Under the Policy NIH-funded investigators are required by Federal law to submit (or have submitted for them) to PMC an electronic version of the final, peer-reviewed manuscript upon acceptance for publication, to be made publicly available no later than 12 months after the official date of publication. The author’s final peer-reviewed manuscript is defined as the final version accepted for journal publication on or after 4/7/2008, and includes all modifications from the publishing peer review process, and all graphics and supplemental material associated with the article. Institutions and investigators are responsible for ensuring that any publishing or copyright agreements concerning submitted articles fully comply with this Policy. Applicants citing articles in NIH applications, proposals, and progress reports that fall under the Policy, were authored or co-authored by the applicant and arose from NIH support must include the PubMed Central reference number (PCMID) or NIH Manuscript Submission reference number (NIHMS ID).

This policy applies to all peer-reviewed articles resulting from research supported in whole or in part with direct costs from NIH, including research grant and career development award mechanisms, cooperative agreements, contracts, Institutional and Individual Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards, SBIR/STTR awards, and NIH intramural research studies.

Additional information can be found at: <>

Verification of Diversity Status for NRSA Fellowships

A new webpage is available through The Graduate School which provides instructions on how to provide verification to NIH regarding diversity status of an graduate student applicant for their diversity NRSA fellowships (F31s). The page also includes a sample letter to NIH. The link to the page is located under the research tab of the graduate school and under training grant information.

Summary of NIH’s transition plans from PureEdge to Adobe

1. NIH plans to switch from PureEdge to Adobe Forms starting December 2008. Since we use Cayuse, this should not have any impact.
2. Additional funding mechanisms will transition to as follows:
– Feb. 12, 2009: Career (K) awards except K12
– April 9, 2009: Individual NRSA (F mechanisms)
– Sept. 25, 2009 – Institutional NRSA and Other Training Grants (T, D), D43, D71/U2R and K12
3. The transition date of the complex mechanisms (program projects) has not yet been determined.
4. The NIH Guide Notice regarding the NIH/AHRQ Transition is available at Summer 2008 Newsletter Available

The newsletter is available at
Highlights include:

(1) Update on transitions from PureEdge to Adobe Reader (Note: December 31, 2008 is the last day will process PureEdge applications.)
(2) New features and site enhancements
(3) New applicant resource — All About Grants
(4) The application process — Roles and Responsibilities
(5) Grant fraud
(6) Common Adobe error messages — Understand what they mean
(7) How to have updates sent right to your inbox– sign up link

USDA update

OEP establishes to new branch/branch chief: CSREES’ Office of Extramural Programs (OEP) recently completed an internal restructuring effort and established the Financial Operations Branch (FOB). The new branch is responsible for all financial transactions related to grant award, disbursement, reconciliation, and reporting. In addition, the formula grant section has relocated to this branch. As part of this restructuring, Tonya Johnson joins OEP as the new FOB chief. Johnson comes to CSREES from the U.S. Department of Transportation. Her experience includes several lead accounting positions with the Federal Highway Administration and the U.S. Air Force’s Special Programs. Johnson received her accounting degree from Strayer University in 2004, and is presently working toward her Certified Public Accountant license. Her office is located in Room 2242 of the Waterfront Building.