A milk toast opens the new Arlington dairy facility
Leaders from the state’s dairy industry, state government and the college toasted the opening of the college’s new 500-cow dairy research facility at the Arlington Agricultural Research Station. Clinking—actually, tapping—cartons of the state’s favorite beverage were (l to r): Al Ott, State Representative, 3rd Assembly District, Chair, Assembly Committee on Agriculture; Richard Straub, Director, CALS Agricultural Research Stations; CALS Dean Molly Jahn; Alan Fish, UW-Madison Associate Vice Chancellor, Facilities Planning and Management; John Pagel, Project Consultant, Owner, Pagel’s Ponderosa Dairy; Laurie Fischer, Executive Director, Wisconsin Dairy Business Association; Ric Grummer, Chair, UW-Madison Department of Dairy Science; Eugene Hahn, State Representative, 47th Assembly District.