Congratulations to these distinguished graduate fellowship recipients
The College would like to congratulate recipients of the following Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowships for the 2008-2009 academic year and thank all nominees who submitted research proposals. All nominees demonstrated excellent promise in their research careers.
Richard M. Heins Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship. Richard Heins is a long-time supporter of CALS and a former executive with Cuna Mutual. Recipient:
- Yann Dufour (Bacteriology).
Wisconsin Potato Industry Board Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship. This Fellowship was endowed for the purpose of funding a graduate fellowship in potato research. Recipient:
- Bala Pudota (Horticulture)
Thomsen Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowships. This award, established by the estate of Elsa Thomsen, is designated to support outstanding graduate students, either Ph.D. candidates who have established an outstanding research record and attained dissertator status or outstanding M.S. students who have completed one year of graduate study. Recipients:
- Michael Gray (Bacteriology)
- Paul David Cook (Biochemistry)
- Brent Kaup (Rural Sociology)
- Jane Foster (Forest and Wildlife Ecology)