
Jan. 22 is nomination deadline for UW-Madison Distinguished Teaching Awards

It’s time to nominate candidates for the UW-Madison faculty Distinguished Teaching Awards. The Committee on Distinguished Teaching Awards encourages the nomination of any exceptional distinguished teacher, regardless of specialty or rank. Faculty members whose teaching is of such quality that it merits recognition and award. The deadline is Jan. 22, 2007.

The UW-Madison faculty distinguished teaching awards are: six Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Awards; the Class of 1955 Teaching Excellence Award which was new in 2004 and is designated for an instructor, assistant or associate professor; the William H. Kiekhofer Teaching Award, the first teaching award presented at the UW and designated for an L&S assistant professor or associate professor; the Emil Steiger Teaching Award, created in 1958; and the Van Hise Outreach Teaching Award created to recognize excellence in outreach teaching. Should you wish that the committee consider an individual for a specific award, please indicate such in the chair’s letter.

Nominations for all UW-Madison awards, except those for the Van Hise Outreach Award, should meet the requirements outlined in the document Nominating Procedures for the Distinguished Teaching Award. Van Hise Outreach Award nominations should meet the requirements outlined in the document Nominating Procedures for the Van Hise Outreach Teaching Award.

For more information, including a list of past recipients, go to